Welcome on my website !

Currently, I'm a student at EPITA.

I’m a computer science enthusiast, creating websites as a self-taught person since high school. Since 2022, I have been studying computer engineering at EPITA and I aim to work in cybersecurity.

My projects

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Last project


Implementation of a virtual switch in C, allowing to manage Ethernet and 802.1q frames.


Tiger Compiler

Implementation of a compiler for the Tiger language, written in C++.



Development of a command interpreter adhering to the Bash POSIX standards, in the C programming language.


La Plume Enchantée

A writing website where users can write texts. The texts can be written within the framework of a writing contest (with limited time and imposed themes) or without any restrictions.


Détection de cyberharcèlement sur Twitter

Python program developed for real-time detection of potentially hateful messages on Twitter. Project completed during my studies in preparatory class for engineering schools. The theme was "health and prevention".

Contact me

Discord: pierreraimondi (or Pierre#2039)